Friday, November 30, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Okay so I am still pumped up about Auburn's 6th straight win!!

I saw this on Klancy's little sister's blog. I have seen lots of Auburn videos but this is by far one of my favorite.

War Eagle!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

10 on Tuesday

1. I have decided I don't like sundried tomatoes. They are way to sweet.
2. I am checking out three books today at the library. A Walk to Remember, The Devil Wears Prada, and Taking Charge of your Fertility.
3. I saw two good movies over the Thanksgiving weekend. Knocked was funny, but I really thank Lauren for giving me the heads up on it being graphic during the birth and Wes were like WHOA! Beauty Shop was great! I really like Queen Latifah. I had a hard time dealing with Keisha Knight Pulliam (aka Rudy from the Cosby Show) being then character she was in this movie. She was kinda a prissy girl. But over all it was a great movie! Oh yeah a week ago we went and saw Beowulf at the theater. It was Wes' pick. It was pretty gory but not a bad movie. Definitely more of a man movie though.
4. We made two shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child through our church. I really enjoyed getting to buy little presents for the boy and girl that we made the boxes for.
5. I was listening to my Ipod this morning and I realized how broad of a range of music I listen to. I am not that much of a music person. I listen to it in the car, or when I am working out or cleaning house. Sometimes when I am studying. But my Ipod has a mixture of 80's pop, alternative, 70's funk and disco, classical, country and rap on it. I put songs I like on it. I guess I am diverse in my music.
6. So I have to cook more dinners at home this month. We have been really bad about eating out over the last month and that isn't really acceptable when we had perfectly good food here waiting to be cooked. Since I am not working, and I have all day to do my school stuff I should be having home cooked meals for Wes every night but I am failing miserably in that department. So I have been scouting out
7. I need a haircut but I don't know what I want my hair to look like. Hence I haven't went to the salon. Sometimes I think I want to go short again. My mom thinks I look better with short hair. But other times I like the freedom of pulling my hair into a clip if I don't want to fool with it. So who knows what I'll do.
8. I am putting up my Christmas decorations this week!
9. I am happy to say that I have gotten 75% of my Christmas shopping done!
10. I hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Macy and Desserts

I don't have much to say but I do have a couple of cute pics of Macy and a couple pics of the two yummy desserts that I made for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was relaxing for me. We went to Wes parents for lunch and then we went by mom and dads that evening. Me and mom did venture out Black Friday but it wasn't too awful. I didn't find anything that was just an awesome find though. Wes was sick most of the weekend which sucked for him because he had a four day weekend and he doesn't get those often. We lounged on Saturday watching football. It was a good weekend in football for both of us. My husband the Tennessee fan is super happy that Tennessee is going to the SEC championship. I of course and happy that Auburn made it number 6 for beating Bama. Now I present to you my culinary masterpieces LOL :) and a some pics of my hamming it up niece.

This is just a chocolate dessert...I don't have a name for it but it was heavenly. Maybe I should name it Chocolate Heaven?

This was my pumpkin cheesecake. Boy was it good. I pretty much used the same recipe Lauren has on her blog I just tweaked it a bit. It definitely deserves a Yum-O!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I really meant to do this early but I have been pretty busy this week. So ya'll probably won't get this till after Thanksgiving. Oh well it's the thought that counts :)
I want to wish every one of you a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday. I am grateful for every last one of you. You have all made some sort of impact on me and I am so thankful to know you and call you a friend. Enjoy your turkey and have fun shopping on Friday if you go. Have a blessed holiday and I love you guys :)

Oh yeah and one more thing.......

WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A new low for an overpaid Alabama coach...

I really think this is a total stretch and don't know if I am surprised by this or if I actually expected something like this to happen. Either which way it's a new low for The University of Alabama.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fridays are Fabulous!

I do believe it is like one of my most favorite days of the week! Hope everyone has had a great week. Weekend plans? Wes' mom's b'day is Saturday so we are going to Flo-Town or more appropriately G'hill to do some celebrating with her. I tell you she is the easiest person to please sometimes. All she wanted was for her family as a whole to go out to eat together. Since Zach is coming home tonight for his Thanksgiving break...yeah Auburn gets the whole week works out perfectly that we can give her what she wants. And as a bonus we get to take Little Zach as well. :) So we are going to Texas Roadhouse and Wes could not be happier because they have the best chicken fingers and rolls!
Before we head to G'hill though I am going shopping with my momma in the morning. She is really wanting to get her Christmas shopping done and pretty much all she is lagging is Wes. So I have to go show her some things he would like. I also need to get him a birthday present while we are out. His b'day is the 8th of December. You know what's funny? Both of my parent's in law children have b'day's around Christmas. Susan's is the 5th of January. I'm glad mine is six months after Christmas. It spreads things out nicely :)
Speaking of Christmas...what is on everyone's wish list this year? I couldn't really think of anything I wanted. I have stuff for the house I want but as I told my mom...I will buy that stuff before I would buy stuff for myself. So I am trying to think of personal stuff. The only thing I can think of that I would like is a Northface Jacket. Does anyone have one of these? My brother in law has one and loves it. It seems like it would be the perfect all weather jacket.
I also think I would like a larger George Forman...I have the single serving one. I used to have a larger one in college but somehow it got broke and how that happened is still a mystery to me. But anyway I don't hardly use the single one because when I am using it I am making for both me and Wes and it just takes too much time and hassel when you can only cook one at a time.
Okay jumping to another random thought...backing up to Wes b'day actually. I am probably getting him Guitar Hero Three.....that game is awesome...and addicting I might add. So I think I might get my mom to get him Guitar Hero Rockin the 80' I think that may be more for me though because I am all about the 80's music :)
Well Monday I will have pictures of my do it yourself coasters made out of tile...they are turning out nicely. I just have to put the backing on them and seal them. I will finish them over the weekend. I am on a mission to organize my office today. I want it to be more sufficient than it currently is. I also have to clean bathrooms today. You know I think that is my most hated household chore. Although I will admit ironing is up there as well.
I have noticed around here people are already decorating their houses for Christmas. My firm rule is to wait till after Thanksgiving. We usually do it the weekend after Thanksgiving. My across the street neighbor is already decked out including the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree came up the day after Halloween. I want to celebrate Thanksgiving first personally.
Well happy weekend everyone! I bet next week is a short week for most :) Have a good one!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New pictures of Macy

Hey guys. Susan had some new pictures of Macy taken for Christmas. If you want to look at them you can go to this website.
go to shopping cart
password is hancockchristmas

10 on Tuesday...okay maybe 5

Happy Tuesday to all! How many of you had a three day weekend? I am going to do a 10 on Tuesday just because I want to :)

1. I love fall. I believe it is my favorite season. I have noticed around here that we have some gorgeous leaf changing going on. I stare at it every time I am in the car. I want to go around taking some pictures of some different places around here soon. For now though I have a picture of some trees that are near my house. Isn't the different colors so pretty?

2. Me and Wes struck a deal yesterday at Target. We have a few babies that we are buying Christmas for and one of them is this little cutie.

Little Zach. Well this is little Zach's first Christmas. He will be one in January. Target was having a HUGE clearance on some baby and toddler clothes. I got little Zach 2 outfits for less than 10 dollars. Now that is a steal. They had all sizes. I also got some stuff for Macy. There was some really cute little newborn girl clothes Patrice and Roz...just a little heads up.

3. I am in the process of doing a DIY project. It was an idea I got off of the It is coasters made out of tile. I'll post a pic when I have completed them. If these go good I may make a few for some Xmas presents. Hopefully I'll have some pics by the end of the week.

4. As you all are aware black Friday is a week from this Friday. Every year me and my mom go. This year Susan and Macy are joining us. Are we crazy to bring a 2 year old to black Friday. YES!!! But my mom want to (her words " see Macy's little face light up at all the Christmas stuff" ) so hence she is coming along...we'll see how long she lasts :)

5. Okay so this is going to be it....sorry it turned out to be a 5 on Tuesday....but in order to not make this post not any longer I am quitting :) So I leave you with I hope you all have a great week! Yeah not the greatest 5 on Tuesday :)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Friday Happenings

TGIF! Hope everyone's week has been great! Here is some randomness that is going on in my world.
1. I found this sign at Hobby Lobby for $7 this week! It is going in our entry way :) I also found one for our bedroom as we make the color transition that says "Always kiss me goodnight" I got it for $6. I love me some Hobby Lobby!

2. My love has to work days tomorrow (Saturday) so I will be watching football games all by my lonesome. I am starting to think I am weird because I tell you I get into these games like a man does. That is thanks to growing up with a big brother who lives, breathes, and eats football.
3. We are going to be going only to my husbands family for Thanksgiving this year. This is a first for me. But certain circumstances are enabling us from going to both sides. I am okay with this though because I see the same extended family lots, and will be seeing them like two weeks from Thanksgiving at our big Xmas gathering.
4. There is only 5 weeks left in my semester!
5. Who's ready for Christmas? Yeah that's me. More importantly I am ready for black Friday!
Okay so reading back over these I really realized that I didn't have an eventful week :) LOL! Some this really was a random post! Happy Weekend everyone and War Eagle!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

One of the best weekends ever! (LOTS of pictures included!)

Hey ladies! I am sitting here on a quiet Sunday afternoon recuperating from one of the best weekends ever! This might be a long post so I am going to randomly assert pictures to keep your attention :) This is me and my old roomie Holly at the Auburn game Saturday.

Okay so I feel like I have covered the state of Alabama this weekend! Friday evening I left out of Athens heading towards Tuscaloosa to Holly's apartment. The trip down there was uneventful. I had the pleasure of meeting her boyfriend Jeremy for the first time, and this is to Holly "He's a keeper." :) So we headed out to find some dinner and we went to a Japanese restaurant. I had never had Japanese before because I had always been hesitant to try it because I don't care for Chinese food at all and I figured they were the same. How wrong I was. It was awesome. I had some really good chicken teryaki and it's cool to watch them fix your food right in front of you. I even tried some sushi! It was actually pretty good! I was proud of myself for taking a food adventure.

One of the greatest places ever!
So Saturday me and Holly head out early early for Auburn. LOL I should have known the trip wouldn't be uneventful :) We were heading down 82 from Tuscaloosa towards Auburn. We are right outside of Prattville and honestly I wasn't watching my speed. Sure enough I get caught. A motorcycle cop pulled me over and had clocked me doing 73 in a 55! I sometimes have a lead foot. Well my first thought was "Wes is going to kill me!" It was my lucky day however. We stayed calm and I didn't try to BS my way out of it and what do you know I had an extremely nice coppers :) He gave me a warning. Now was it because we were two chicas? Or was it because I was pretty far away from home? Or was it because he was an Auburn fan? Frankly I am just glad that he was feeling generous and I thanked God for that :)

My fantasy man Brandon Cox at the Tiger Walk
So we pull into Auburn and head to my brother in law's apartment because he so nicely had secured me a parking pass to park at some apartments across from campus. This saved me from having to spend moolah to park :) I have a super sweet bro in law! When we got to campus we headed to the Tiger walk and as you see from the above picture we had a decent view :)
Then we went into the stadium. We had awesome seats! We were in the North endzone, section 41 row 8...basically right on the field! AWESOME SEATS YEAH!!! Like our seats were so good we had to have heads up with the field goal kicks. I didn't need to use zoom for most of my pictures! I was super excited!

#18 Wes Byrum our kicker

The color guard

Nova flying and landing

He's the man :)

A shot of Brandon with no helmet and that's Coach Tuberville to the left!

This is like the third string QB but I tell you he did really well!
Of course since we scored 21 points in the firs quarter and it was Tennessee Tech Coach Tuberville played pretty much his 3rd and even 4th string players afterward. I am impressed with what I saw! This means good future options for the Tigers. There were 4 different QB's played during the game! #27 Mario Fannin looks to be promising as well. I think the Tigers are in for a great next couple of years :)

So I was happy because I finally got to see a game at the stadium that they won! So you know what that means? I FINALLY saw Toomer's Corner in all it's toilet paper glory!

And finally we went to the bookstores and they had a baby tiger at J&M bookstore! He was only 3 months old!

I know that I post lots of pictures! Believe me I took TONS! I just never know which ones to put up and I try to cover the broad range of things! I didn't get home till 2am this morning but boy did I have fun! Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Have a great weekend!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys this great weather we are having. I am heading to Tuscaloosa tonight to stay at my old college roomie Holly's apartment. Tomorrow we are heading to the Auburn game. It's going to be fun :) Wes is working midnights this weekend for a mini outage they are having so he will be working and sleeping all weekend. I am looking forward to hanging out and catching up with Holly and then of course seeing my boys play tomorrow. I am hoping that the third time is the charm for me and they win. It's homecoming and they are playing one of the off the wall teams so maybe they will. If they lose I am going to be convinced that I am a jinx! I'll post pics next week...cause you know I am a picture loving gal :)

big cat @ samford hall

War Eagle! Have a fantabulous weekend!