Sunday, November 4, 2007

One of the best weekends ever! (LOTS of pictures included!)

Hey ladies! I am sitting here on a quiet Sunday afternoon recuperating from one of the best weekends ever! This might be a long post so I am going to randomly assert pictures to keep your attention :) This is me and my old roomie Holly at the Auburn game Saturday.

Okay so I feel like I have covered the state of Alabama this weekend! Friday evening I left out of Athens heading towards Tuscaloosa to Holly's apartment. The trip down there was uneventful. I had the pleasure of meeting her boyfriend Jeremy for the first time, and this is to Holly "He's a keeper." :) So we headed out to find some dinner and we went to a Japanese restaurant. I had never had Japanese before because I had always been hesitant to try it because I don't care for Chinese food at all and I figured they were the same. How wrong I was. It was awesome. I had some really good chicken teryaki and it's cool to watch them fix your food right in front of you. I even tried some sushi! It was actually pretty good! I was proud of myself for taking a food adventure.

One of the greatest places ever!
So Saturday me and Holly head out early early for Auburn. LOL I should have known the trip wouldn't be uneventful :) We were heading down 82 from Tuscaloosa towards Auburn. We are right outside of Prattville and honestly I wasn't watching my speed. Sure enough I get caught. A motorcycle cop pulled me over and had clocked me doing 73 in a 55! I sometimes have a lead foot. Well my first thought was "Wes is going to kill me!" It was my lucky day however. We stayed calm and I didn't try to BS my way out of it and what do you know I had an extremely nice coppers :) He gave me a warning. Now was it because we were two chicas? Or was it because I was pretty far away from home? Or was it because he was an Auburn fan? Frankly I am just glad that he was feeling generous and I thanked God for that :)

My fantasy man Brandon Cox at the Tiger Walk
So we pull into Auburn and head to my brother in law's apartment because he so nicely had secured me a parking pass to park at some apartments across from campus. This saved me from having to spend moolah to park :) I have a super sweet bro in law! When we got to campus we headed to the Tiger walk and as you see from the above picture we had a decent view :)
Then we went into the stadium. We had awesome seats! We were in the North endzone, section 41 row 8...basically right on the field! AWESOME SEATS YEAH!!! Like our seats were so good we had to have heads up with the field goal kicks. I didn't need to use zoom for most of my pictures! I was super excited!

#18 Wes Byrum our kicker

The color guard

Nova flying and landing

He's the man :)

A shot of Brandon with no helmet and that's Coach Tuberville to the left!

This is like the third string QB but I tell you he did really well!
Of course since we scored 21 points in the firs quarter and it was Tennessee Tech Coach Tuberville played pretty much his 3rd and even 4th string players afterward. I am impressed with what I saw! This means good future options for the Tigers. There were 4 different QB's played during the game! #27 Mario Fannin looks to be promising as well. I think the Tigers are in for a great next couple of years :)

So I was happy because I finally got to see a game at the stadium that they won! So you know what that means? I FINALLY saw Toomer's Corner in all it's toilet paper glory!

And finally we went to the bookstores and they had a baby tiger at J&M bookstore! He was only 3 months old!

I know that I post lots of pictures! Believe me I took TONS! I just never know which ones to put up and I try to cover the broad range of things! I didn't get home till 2am this morning but boy did I have fun! Hope everyone else had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was one of the best weekends ever!!! Thanks for inviting me! I had a blast!! I'm still recuperating also! My raccoon eyes are beautiful LOL And yes, Jeremy is a keeper :-) Hope to see you again soon!
Love ya, HD