Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10 on Tuesday

1. I made $250 at the garage sale. Whoo hoo new fall clothes for me!
2. I have an ear infection. Boo.
3. We moved our china hutch into the kitchen. I had to rearrange some stuff. But now I have wall space on either side of the hutch and I gotta find something to go on it.
4. Happy Birthday Holly!
5. Wes starts his fall outage on Oct 25th. He'll be working 2nd shift. He'll be working 7 days a week for 10 hours a day. This outage is supposed to last 4 weeks. We'll see.
6. My daddy's and Wes' daddy's b'day's are next week. We are taking my dad to dinner Saturday night, and then Wes' mom is having a b'day dinner for my father in law next Thursday.
7. Thanks to Colleen for lending me tablecloth/runners for my cousins lingerie shower.
8. We are having slow cooker tostado's tomorrow night. Yum.
9. I made a huge list of books I want to read. Going to the library tomorrow. I'm excited!
10. I can't think of a 10th one right now so I'll just say Hope everyone is having a fabulous week so far!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday shout out! Call me soon! HD