Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Random Meme

I saw this on another blog that I frequent and instead of doing a typical 10 on Tuesday I decided to do this. I don't have a ton going on right now but I don't want to fall behind on my blogging either. Also I want to wish my daddy a Happy Birthday. He is turning 61 today. Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!
Okay so onto the meme.

Outside my window... is dark with a full moon! Something about full moons in October gets to me :) Typical Halloweeny vibe.

I am thinking... so many things but mainly that God is good and he has blessed me so much.

I am thankful for... my husband. He is there for me when I need him, cheers me up when I am sad, talks some sense into me when I am overreacting, and he will car dance with me and doesn't care if we look like idiots!

From the kitchen... came a simple but good Italian meal for dinner tonight. Stuffed ravioli, ceasar salad, and toasty bread. Yum :)

I am wearing... jeans, a button down 3/4 length shirt that has flowers on it, brown socks and my brown mary janes

I am creating... invitations for my cousin Ashley's lingerie shower

I am going... to Greenhill this weekend to celebrate my father in law's b'day.

I am reading... The Good German by Joseph Kanon

I am hoping... that the vet can get Callie in this week to get her fixed...she's starting to show signs of going into heat and since we have two male kitties as well that won't do.

I am hearing... the tv which is turned to Ripley's Believe it or Not which Wes is watching.

Around the house... is actually pretty clean because I have been trying to keep up with a schedule and so far so good.

One of my favorite things... is this season. Fall to me is so refreshing. I love the leaves and color of trees, I love the way the air smells, I love all the festivals around, I love mums and pumpkins, I love when it gets crisp in the evening, and I love football.

A few plans for the rest of the week... hopefully finishing Ashley's invites so I can get them in the mail next week, celebrating my father in law's birthday, getting the office ready to paint, and organizing my closet.

1 comment:

Katy said...

I totally need to organize my closets too. I think that I might do that this weekend....Maybe???