Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Seven okay maybe Six

1. Lauren's baby shower yesterday was fabulous! It was so great seeing her and Colleen and Katy. (Monica I wish you had been feeling well enough to come but I'm glad that you are getting your rest!) I took a couple of pics but I am only going to post one. You can kinda see Lauren's baby belly...but not completely with the way she is turned. But trust me she has a cute little bump :)

Oh and Lauren I'll be emailing you the others I took.
2. This is a little plate that my husband...not me...made back in July at Macy's b'day party. Susan finally got it to me yesterday.

Now I got to figure out a place to display it.
3. My cousin Ashley's wedding day is sneaking up on me and I totally forgot until yesterday that I need my dressed altered! Eeek! I hope that a little under 4 weeks isn't too late. I'll be calling places first thing in the morning.
4. I am hosting Ashley's Naughty and Nice shower this upcoming weekend. Wish me luck!
5. I'll be glad when Wes' outage is over. This one has really thrown our schedule off because he doesn't have a single day off! I accidentally overslept this morning so we missed church. I'm just ready to have my normal day to day schedule back.
6. If any of you watch Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel they have a new episode out Friday on Sloss Furnace down in B'ham. That show is definitely interesting.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Look at all the pretty girls!!!!! Yes please email them to me, I managed to bring my camera, but forgot to give it to someone to take pictures with!