Thursday, May 3, 2007


What is up with my body lately? I am catching every little cold out reminds me of when I first started teaching. Today I feel like crap! Extremely sore throat, body aches, and that feeling that I just want to sleep!
Anyway..a few quick updates:
1. Wes' interview went fine. He found out that if he gets the job he will start at the beginning of July. This means we can actually go to the beach for my b'day/anniversary since they are only a week apart.

2. We close on the house in 4 weeks. We went out there yesterday afternoon to take measurements on the windows for blinds. They had our carpet pad laid out and the carpet roll in the garage. So my guess is that carpet is going in this week. They still have some painting to do so they either better do it before they lay that carpet down or cover that carpet up really good because if they get paint on my brand new carpet I am not going to be a happy camper.
Also we had a minor problem, but my realtor assured me it would get fixed. My stove top is supposed to be smooth, it is in the contract. Well the lady at the decorating store we had to go through just wrote down our color appliances which is black. I asked her at the time if she should put smooth in parenthesis and she was like no if it is in your contract he'll know. Well guess what? The stove top was not smooth. That lady should have put it down because probably wasn't the actual builder who called her to ask what color was probably one of the workers, and do you think he looked at the contract? Um no why would he. Luckily our builder is a really nice understanding guy and so all Patti has to do is call him and the problem will be fixed. I tell you I just don't like that lady at the decorating store much, she hasn't impressed me. A few posts down tells about my other adventures with her. Ugh!!
3. We are having a garage sale at my mom's Saturday. The weather is saying thunderstorms...this is one time I will say I hope not. I need to get rid of this stuff. :)
4. I want to give a HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROZ! shout out! Hope it is a good one :)
5. I also want to give a HANG IN THERE! shout out to Colleen. Not much longer and little (or big :) ) man Dash will be here!
That's all for now. Happy Thursday all and I hope that your weekend goes well :)


Anonymous said...

The decorating store lady sucks. You just have stay on their butts or God only knows what your house would end up looking like...

I'm so glad Wes's interview went well. I was thinking about him...

And I'm still hanging in there, just barely. If there was a way to quit, I might consider it. Not like I really have a choice though. As soon as I get done with work I think I'll be a lot better off; I'm miserable here!

Roz said...

Thank you Candi for the bday shout! It was fabulous, I highly recommend 27! ;-)

Sorry you havn't been feeling well. I have a cousin who teaches and she says she goes thru the same bouts where it seems like she can't catch anything (I guess cause she's already had it) and then when it seems like all new germies are coming thru her door. I don't know if you can spray kids down with Lysol, but that's my suggestion. hehehe

I'm glad your builder's nice, that over rules the lady at the decorating store. Seriously, I'd have probably put my hand around her neck by now, kudos on your self control!

No worries, soon you'll be finished dealing with her. Yay!