Tuesday, November 27, 2007

10 on Tuesday

1. I have decided I don't like sundried tomatoes. They are way to sweet.
2. I am checking out three books today at the library. A Walk to Remember, The Devil Wears Prada, and Taking Charge of your Fertility.
3. I saw two good movies over the Thanksgiving weekend. Knocked Up...it was funny, but I really thank Lauren for giving me the heads up on it being graphic during the birth scene...me and Wes were like WHOA! Beauty Shop was great! I really like Queen Latifah. I had a hard time dealing with Keisha Knight Pulliam (aka Rudy from the Cosby Show) being then character she was in this movie. She was kinda a prissy girl. But over all it was a great movie! Oh yeah a week ago we went and saw Beowulf at the theater. It was Wes' pick. It was pretty gory but not a bad movie. Definitely more of a man movie though.
4. We made two shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child through our church. I really enjoyed getting to buy little presents for the boy and girl that we made the boxes for.
5. I was listening to my Ipod this morning and I realized how broad of a range of music I listen to. I am not that much of a music person. I listen to it in the car, or when I am working out or cleaning house. Sometimes when I am studying. But my Ipod has a mixture of 80's pop, alternative, 70's funk and disco, classical, country and rap on it. I put songs I like on it. I guess I am diverse in my music.
6. So I have to cook more dinners at home this month. We have been really bad about eating out over the last month and that isn't really acceptable when we had perfectly good food here waiting to be cooked. Since I am not working, and I have all day to do my school stuff I should be having home cooked meals for Wes every night but I am failing miserably in that department. So I have been scouting out Kraftfoods.com.
7. I need a haircut but I don't know what I want my hair to look like. Hence I haven't went to the salon. Sometimes I think I want to go short again. My mom thinks I look better with short hair. But other times I like the freedom of pulling my hair into a clip if I don't want to fool with it. So who knows what I'll do.
8. I am putting up my Christmas decorations this week!
9. I am happy to say that I have gotten 75% of my Christmas shopping done!
10. I hope everyone has a great week!


KlancyA said...

I hope you like A Walk to Remember!! That is my all time favorite book of any author, you should see my paperback copy, it's been thru the ringer. When I pick it up now, I have to make sure it's a weekend, cause I will stay up all night re-reading it!!

Colleen said...

That's an interesting book collection you have there. ;)