I love taxes :) Uncle Sam is totally helping out me and Wes with our #1 goal for this year...buy a house!!
I am also loving this warm sunny weather!!! Bring it on spring and summer...in all technicality it is only 10 days till spring!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I survived my Sunday with my parents and Wes' mom...let me clarify...it isn't my parents I worry about. Wes' mom is a sweet lady but she just has quirks that I am not used to. Small doses of her is what helps :) I am sure some can relate.
After the parentals left we had an appointment with our realtor to look at 5 houses...3 which we liked. The building thing isn't totally out of the picture yet, it is going to depend on whether Wes gets that job at Browns Ferry..which we are still waiting on...and probably won't know anything till middle of May. So we went and looked at preexisting houses...and like I said we liked 3 but we really really really like 2 more than the other...I tell you houses in this area are not cheap...but they aren't cheap in Decatur either and I am pretty sure not in B'ham as well....see they are cheap in Florence...it was sticker shock for Wes :)
So the hunt will continue...our realtor is awesome...she is a family friend and she works her tail off...I am going to have to give her a big thank you present when we buy :)
I just have to get through the rest of this week, and three days of next then I am taking vacation days for two days and then it is my spring break!!! whoo hoo...i've got big organization plans for those days and I am also going to Six Flags with some old college buddies one day and then the last weekend before I head back to work we are going with my parents to Indiana, so Wes can see where my parents grew up and meet some of my relatives that he hasn't met yet. This is a criteria with my father...he did it with my sister in law as well when she became a member of our family :)
Oh one more thing...I had the funniest phone call last weekend. My cell phone rings and I look down and it and it says it is my sister in law calling...I answer it and all I can hear is what sounds like people in a restaurant. I say Hello again and all of the sudden my almost 20 month old niece's voice goes "Hey!" and then a giggle and then the little stinker hangs up!! I tried calling Susan back and noone answers! So Macy pranked called me...lol...I am still wondering how she got my number :)
Happy Tuesday everyone!