Thursday, March 8, 2007

Ten on Thursday

1. I have learned the hard way to stretch after working out. Sore muscles really suck :)

2. I am so happy that it has been sunny and nice temperatures all week!

3. There isn't anything like the smell of a fresh clean if I could only invent a way to make it fresh and clean without having to do the work :)

4. I scored two outfits and a new pair of shoes at Ross for $50!

5. Me and Wes cut down our grocery/going out to eat bill by about $150 for the month of February!

6. I feel my creative bug hitting me again and that makes me happy because that means that I am getting out of my winter funk.

7. The "love" handles are slowly disappearing!

8. I am trying this new chicken italiano meal tonight...I am cooking it by slow cooker...hopefully it is good :)

9. I am in desperate need of a manicure...Wes bought me this home manicure kit for Christmas..I have tried it once it works pretty well so I guess I'll drag it out tonight!

10. Dr. Suess week is next my creative juices for lessons will be flowing...I saw a picture of a nursery that the parents had literally painted Dr. Suess stuff all over the was cute but a tad overkill.

Happy Thursday!!

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