Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Okay once again it won't let me post a title...so here is my own title.

Ten on Tuesday
I haven't done one of these in a while so here goes.

1. August needs to get here because my cell phone is on its last hoorah and I am elgible to get a new one then.

2. Another cell phone goodie...as a TVA worker Wes gets 17% off of our Verizon phone bill. YES!! Finally I can get that bill reduced!

3. I am totally lovin my kitty Peaches. She is an exciting adventure and is a cutie pa tootie!

4. I am all ready for Sunday to get here. We are having a spaghetti symposium at church. It is to get our small groups program started.

5. Tomorrow "Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix" come to theatres near me :) However I have to wait till Friday to see it due to my hubby being out of town and he would never forgive me for seeing it without him.

6. July 21st is the day I can pick up my new copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I am feeling bittersweet about the end of the series. Can you tell I am a gigantic fan? :)

7. I have reflected a lot on friendship lately and I am going to work harder on being a better friend. I always heard the saying "To have a friend you have to be a friend." It is so true.

8. My parents got me a new Bible and a book on how to read the Bible on your own for my birthday. I am reading the how to book first, and so far it is telling me that I can read the entire Bible in three years by reading for 15 minutes a day. I am so looking forward to doing that and learning and growing.

9. I love my niece Macy. She came and stayed at my parents last weekend so me and Wes came over to play. She is so much fun. I have finally gotten her to say "Candi" although it sounds more like "Canhi" but hey it's all good to me. She says Wes like "Vesssss!" She literally drags out the s. It is funny. She likes to tell everyone to come on. Like she calls my dad Pop, and she'll say Come on Pop! Come on! I can't believe that little booger is going to be 2 on the 19th of this month. She is getting a Dora the Explorer party because she loves Dora!

10. I am highly considering just subbing this school year and going to school for my masters full time. Wes wants me to finish up with that before we have babies and the babies will be happening anywhere for hopefully 18months to 2 years from now. I have three classes under my belt already. I am really praying about this endeavor. Part of me loves the thought of it. I would have classes three days a week and if I had a subbing job the other two then cool if not then yay a day off. I know that God will lead me to the best decision. I have to make it in the next two weeks.

Happy Tuesday all!

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