Monday, July 30, 2007

It's Monday

Well my kitchen became a finished paint project Sunday afternoon thanks to my fantabulous husband. But as I said before the rest of the house will be hired done. No more painting for me. Some of my frustration for it was due though because the lady at Lowes put way too much thinner in the first batch making it to thin on my walls...hence us having to go buy another gallon yesterday to finish it out so there was no shadows on the walls. Part of the problem was to my not priming it first...did not realize I needed to...I am afterall a novice to the painting world :) But the other problem was said Lowes woman. Oh well it is a finished product now.
Saturday morning our front yard got its first mowing. Fun times pushing the lawnmower up the hill we call a front yard. Wes was pooped! Our back yard is still in the process of growing grass so we will not have to mow it till next year but I am sure Wes can't wait till he has to mow the massive piece of land back there. I give it 5 years and I'll have him wanting to move back into the city :)
We have our family reunion up at Tim's Ford State Park in Tennessee this weekend. Should be fun times. I'll get to meet my newest baby cousin Emily for the first time. She was born June 4th. I am spending my week getting the games ready..I'm not sure how I got this job bestowed unto me but I have got some good ideas.
Me and Wes saw the Simpson's movie Friday night. My recommendation is wait and rent it on video. It had some funny parts but overall it wasn't worth a movie ticket price. It also let a few words slip and a few scenes slip that should have made it an "R" rated film rather than "PG-13" I am not sure some people would agree with my recommendation on waiting to see it though because I heard it brought in $71 million dollars over the weekend.
Wes' grandma is not doing so good. His mom told us on Saturday that the doctor at the nursing home she is in said that Grandma's body was shutting down. She has Alzhimer's. So Wes' mom said it was just a matter of time. Lot's of prayers are going up for the family.
Well that's my weekend wrap up. Hope all of you had a great one, and have a great week!

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