Tuesday, January 27, 2009

10 on Tuesday

Not much going on but I haven't really blogged much lately so I'll give it a try.

1. I'm making nachos and brownies for dinner tonight. Definitely not healthy but man does it sound good.
2. I have been really tired lately. I have low iron (border line anemic) and it is really rearing its ugly face lately.
3. I'm reading the book Ella Enchanted. It's been a quick read. I'm really excited for the next book I am going to read...The Book Thief.
4. That reminds me that I need to do my book review on the Twilight Saga.
5. I'm ready for spring.
6. The movie Fireproof came out on DVD today. If you haven't seen it you should rent it.
7. I've been feeling super crafty lately. I am trying to get my office cleaned up and organized so Wes can measure out the space and start on my craft desk. I have lots of ideas and can't wait to get started.
8. Can ya'll see me as a children's librarian? I am considering getting a second masters in library science...I'll be finished with my masters in elementary ed in August or I'd just change it over...but I don't want to waste the work and effort. I can do correspondence courses through the University of Alabama (online and at their Gasden center) and be done in less than 2 years. Heck I think my career is just to be a professional student lol.

Okay 8 is all I can muster today. Happy Tuesday!

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