Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Felt Storyboards and Cutouts

Okay a few posts back I posted this picture.

Okay well some of that turned into this.

This is a felt story board and cutouts. When I was in college I purchased a felt story set (The Three Little Pigs) at the campus bookstore. I think I paid $15 for it, and it didn't come with the kinda board that I made Macy. It came with a very flimsy cardboard board. I used it some when I was teaching Kindergarten.

Well back in November I was racking my brain on what to get Macy. I was surfing around online and I came across this link.


It reminded me about my now put up set. So I got to thinking I could do this. So I wrote down what I would need and thought about my time limit I was working with to get this done by Christmas. So I chose two children's story books The Very Hungry Caterpillar and It Looked Like Spilt Milk and I managed to recreate those two stories in felt.

I forgot to get pictures of the It Looked Like Spilt Milk cutouts but the above pictures show The Very Hungry Caterpillar cutouts. I am in the process of making her more. I am doing different scenes from the four seasons, some typical holiday ones, ones of her family, and a couple more story books right now. These take lots of time, and until this week I haven't had a lot of that.

So I am thinking of starting an etsy business doing these and a few other things. It'll take a little bit to get it started but I am pretty excited about it.

So what do ya'll think?


Roz said...

oh so cute!!! I'm so impressed with your 'felt' crafty-ness. You've definitely got a talent. Go for it with the etsy!
Happy New Year!

Monica said...

Way to go, Candi, that's cute! I love your new background!

Colleen said...

So cute! Was she totally in love with it?