Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy POST Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone had a nice day yesterday...mine was pretty good. I took off work, so I avoided the 22 5 year old's sugar happy V'day party and left it to a sub and my assistant :) When I got to work this morning my desk was covered in Valentines, and an assistant telling me to never do that again lol :) Ah well just have to get through today and tomorrow, then we have a three day weekend because Monday is President's day and by the graces of education I am free free free for one whole day :) As for the rest of my Valentine's day it was pretty great. I enjoyed a day of just doing what I wanted until Wes came home, then we had a candlelight dinner with his favorite and easy dish...spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread. I had gotten him a cookie cake for dessert. Then we watched tv, and spent an evening of quiet (Perfect!). He brought home a dozen very pretty peach roses, and then I also got a radio that hangs inside my shower, some memory foam slippers that are wonderous on my feet, some really cool hydrating socks that are supposed to help your feet stay hydrated ( haven't tried them yet, will let you know if they work), a cute soft cuddly teddy bear that is holding a heart that says I love you, and my all time fave candy...Sour Patch Kids! He did good, but he spent more than our limit...(we are saving money because hopefully ::keeping fingers crossed:: we are building a house this summer). I got him a Tennesse team shirt and some Stewie (from Family Guy) V'day boxers and some Hershey's minatures. I feel kinda bad because I skipped my grad school class last night but I just couldn't stand the thought of sitting through the Ethics of Education on Valentines I skipped :) I hope everyone else had a great day!
Only two more days of the week...hope they all go by super fast!! Happy Thursday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how our lives have changed. You know, in my dating days, I would have expected nothing less than going out to dinner, some big Valentine's Day gift, etc, etc. And now I've noticed that all of my friends are enjoying quiet nights at home with their loved ones. Does my heart good. Who would have thought 5 years ago that a day of doing what you love and spaghetti dinner with your hubby could make you so happy? (For us it was pizza, by the way... John cooked :) Good to see all my girls happy and content...