Friday, February 9, 2007

Hey all!

I have finally joined the blogging world. Just a quick reference as to why I chose this title for my blog. A friend of mine and Wes' (the one who actually got the ball rolling on our relationship) named Blake always had nicknames for his buddies. Well as you might guess Western was Wes' and Candiland was mine, so after considering different titles I finally decided on this one. I don't really know what I might post on here, it might be boring to anyone but me. But a lot of my old high school friends have blogs and I really have found it to be fun and interesting to keep up with the going on's of everyone and I have also found new people's blogs through them. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and stays warm because it is cold outside :) I will be spending my evening in the company of my family and my gorgeous neice Macy ( here she is with my best friend

Jennifer). Then tomorrow we are taking Wes' little brother Zach out to dinner for his 19th birthday. So we have a busy weekend ahead of us :)


Anonymous said...

Yay! Welcome to blogland!!

Roz said...

Hey Candi!!!

Good to read ya girl, good to read ya! ;-)
Have a wonderful weekend.

Trice said...

Welcome to our little world.