Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Mr. Ashes

Mr. Ashes is my 10 month old kitty. He looks like a pile of ashes hence the name. He is slightly different from other kitty's I have owned. First of all he is really small. He looks like he is about 5 months old rather than 10. He was pretty sickly when we first got him, but we helped nurse him back to health. The vet says he is just tiny. He also has a "silent" almost sounds like he is hissing at you when he meows. Now he does have a regular meow but I think he chooses when he wants to use it...kinda stubborn like that. He meows just fine when we have food :) He also has vampire teeth...they stick out past his bottom lip when his mouth is closed...I wish I could get a picture of that but he hasn't allowed me to so far. So Mr. Ashes is a character. He plays when he feels like it, sleeps a lot, and has lately decided he is going to sleep right next to me in the bed, therefore wedging me between him and my hubby. That's not really that cool. So guess what? Mr. Ashes is going to be put at the foot of the bed tonight. Will he stay? Probably not, but it's worth a shot. So I thought I'd share a few pictures of Mr. Ashes. I take a lot of them, but I can't get him to do anything cool yet :) Maybe someday.

He's ferocious!! LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right, he's tiny! Such a cutie though. Black Baby likes to sleep with me, too, and he's even respectful of the newly protruding belly, but now he just sleeps on my side. Not all that comfortable. Good luck keeping him at the foot of the bed...