Friday, December 28, 2007

New Years Resolutions and Goals

Well 2007 is almost over. Hard to believe. This year has felt like it has flown by. However it was an extremely blessed year for me and my family. Now it is on to 2008. I wanted to state some resolutions and goals that I have for myself for the year.
1. I plan on tackling my terrible habit of procrastination. I believe I am the world's worst at this. It can really bring unnecessary chaos into a persons world. My mom's advice to me is to get the things I most dread out of the way first. That's pretty logical, hence I won't be wasting time while dreading something.
2. I want to be more organized. I am not totally unorganized, but I could stand to be more organized.
3. I want to be in the know about anything and everything baby.
4. I want to explore my more creative outlets this year. I want to learn some new hobbies and crafts. I see all these people who make the cutest things and I think to myself why not? I can learn to do that too.
5. I want to read through the Bible this year. I have a plan for daily reading and I can't wait.
6. You always hear people say I want to lose weight. Well I want to be healthy. I really want to be able to touch my toes again. I haven't been able to do that in a while because somewhere in the last 10 years I have lost my flexibility.
I have other small goals but you get the gist. Now I want to wish all of you a blessed and happy new year. I hope 2007 has been good to you and that you look forward to a fantastic 2008! Happy New Year!
P.S. Here are a few pics from Christmas.

The present was bigger than her!

I have some from Wes' family as well but I will save those for later! Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...
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Colleen said...

Hey girlie. I have a few book suggestions for you if you'd like. A Child is Born is fantastic and very graphic with some amazing pictures of the 40 weeks. Nothing gory except maybe the birth part, but even that isn't any worse than Knocked Up. They take all these great ultrasound pics using these teeny little cameras and it's just really neat.

Also The Mother of All Pregnancy books is great and informative. I believe it starts with trying and goes all the way through delivering. I like it a lot better than what to expect while you're expecting.

Happy New Year and good luck with all the resolutions.

Colleen said...

Oh and sign up for fertility friends and babycenter. I think you'd know it all then. ;)