Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What is up with this weather?

I have a lot of Christmas shopping left to do and I just can't get into the mood when it's almost 80 degrees outside! Now mind you Christmas is the only time of the year that I want it to be cold. After the holidays it can go right back to being warm warm warm. I usually hate January and February weather! Depressing! So anyway why is it so warm? This can't be can only mean that we are in for some heck of storms soon. I guess this is Alabama weather.
So I finished A Walk to Remember at about midnight last night. I read it in a day and a half on and off. It was very good, sad, and sort of kind of like the movie but it did have some total differences. Usually I like the books better than the movies but the verdict is still out on this one. I am mulling it over. I have moved on to the book Step on a Crack by James Patterson. I think I might have found me a new thrill writer I enjoy.
I am excited because last night we decided that the week of our anniversary this year we are going to Disney World. Wes has never been and he wants to go before we have kids one time. Well since our anniversary is when we are going to officially start trying for baby number one then we figured that we'd have to take advantage of his next non-training (this way he doesn't miss anything important) week and go. Well his next non training week is the first week of July which just happens to fall during our anniversary and the fourth of July. So it's off to Disney for us! I am in search for the best vacation package now :)
I hope everyone has a great hump day! The week is halfway over!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Oh, that'll be fun. Maybe you'll end up with a Disney "souvenir" ;)