Tuesday, February 5, 2008

10 on Tuesday

1. I cannot seem to shake this stupid cold!
2. Run Run as fast as you can to the theaters to see 27 dresses! Possibly one of the best movies ever!
3. I think Savannah my kitty is preggers.
4. I'm not a huge NFL watcher but I did watch the Superbowl. That was a really good game.
5. I think I am going to check out Dave Ramsey's stuff.
6. Auburn plays there A-Day game on March 29 so of course I am wanting to go. Wes can't go because he will be in an outage at work at that time...50 straight days of 7/12's. My brother in law said I could go down with him. He is co-oping this semester so he isn't currently down there. But he told me I could go with him to it. I want to but I also don't want to cramp his style lol :)
7. We officially booked our Disney vacation. June 28-July3. Can't wait!
8. We rented the movie The Comebacks on Friday. Um yeah...not really worth it.
9. I have decided that if my first child is a boy that we are going to do the nursery in a vintage football theme...using Auburn and Tennessee stuff since we are a house divided...and yes this idea came from me not my hubby....weird huh :)
10. Trying to figure out Valentine's plans. It's next week!
Getting 10 today was rough. Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

KlancyA said...

Dave Ramsey is awesome!! I listen to his morning program most mornings. He's definately an extremist, so some people don't like that, but I figure if I can just implement a few of his ideas than we'll one day feel financially stable! :) We followed Dave's plan to pay off all of our debt except our student loans and my car. We're working on them now, but it will really kick in when Michael finally gets a job! Our goal is to be totally debt free and save up a 20% down payment when we start looking for a house. Of course I'm a $$$$s kind of girl too. Dollar signs make me giddy! :)