Monday, March 10, 2008

Some People Never Cease To Amaze Me

1. So I have blogged about little Zach a few times on here. Well pardon me but his mother is a real piece of work. She is 22, has two other children besides little Zach, tried to take one of my friends for all he is worth saying he was little Zach's dad, DNA test proved he wasn't, and she is refusing to tell who the real dad of little Zach is. Sounds like Jerry Springer. It gets better. She lives off the government, and acts like everyone owes her. She sleeps in till noon everyday and then makes her four year old wait on her hand and foot. She has been dating this guy who also has three children. He doesn't work either. They both live at home with their moms. So this weekend he proposes to her with a 2 carat diamond! Where did he get the money for that I have to wonder? You are going to live off the government but wear a 2 carat diamond? And now they have their own real life Brady Bunch. Man.
2. Saturday night me and Wes are eating at Rosies. Really enjoying a nice dinner. At the end of our meal here comes this little family to sit at the table behind us. The mother of this family was a loud mouth. She had big poofy hair that had so much hairspray in it that a piece of her hair could have cut glass. She had tips. She wore layers upon layers of makeup. And she was LOUD! The poor host who was sitting her only had 4 people wrote down on the ticket. She was pitching a fit because they had a baby with them as well. The host apologized and said he was sorry that all that was on the ticket was 4 people. The loud woman kept saying "My husband wouldn't have forgotten his own child!" with attitude dripping from every word. Then she goes to say We have been waiting for almost an hour (Lady get over it everyone waits at Rosies. We had to wait almost an hour and a half. It's just part of it. If you don't want to wait go somewhere else!) Then she demanded to see a manager. She made this huge scene. Then she had the audacity to turn around to us as we were leaving to ask us if we minded if she take the chips that we hadn't eaten. Really?? Um lady they will bring you all the chips you don't have to ask complete strangers who are leaving for their leftover ones.
3. I have a dear friend who I love to death. I say that because what I am about to say might appear otherwise. She spent the night here Friday night. She reminded me of a child. I had to pick up after her. Like she left wrappers laying around my living room. Saturday morning we all were getting ready to go eat pancakes for my church's mission fundraiser. I had gotten up extra early to take a shower so everyone would have enough hot water and time. We have two bathrooms in our house but you can't run both showers at once. Someone wouldn't get enough water pressure. So my friend had wanted up at 7. I kept hearing her cell phone alarm going off but she never emerged from the guest room. Finally about 7:30 I go knock on the door, because we had wanted to leave at 8:30 and Wes still had to shower as well. So she finally gets up and she goes and turns on the shower and lets it run for about 10 minutes while she got things together. Okay two things: 1. You are wasting hot water when you do this. 2. This is not your house and I consider it rude to do that at someone else's house. Then she proceeds to take a 30 minute shower (making it 40 minutes total the water is going). She then comes to me complaining that the water had started to get cold at the end. Well what do you expect? My poor husband had to take a cold shower. To top it off, she had used two towels, and two washcloths. I was aggravated but I didn't say a thing.
So yeah I have to say that people sometimes well I can't find the right word right now. But I'm sure that everyone knows what I mean.
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Monday.


Roz said...

LOL! Candi, I think you know how much I understand how this Monday was going if you read my Monday post. hehehe Some people! I have to repeat to myself constantly that as a Christian I should be slow to anger, and so help me if I didn't have this mantra going on in my head I think I'd snap a few necks. There's to a better Tuesday!!!

Oh and a pancake breakfast at church sounds sooo good. I love pancakes and this immediately made me think of the pancake breakfasts that Kwanis club used to host at DHS. Yum.

Monica said...

I hate it when the hot water runs out & that's all I'm going to say.

Colleen said...

Even if you hate it, Monica, you know it's going to happen right? I hate it too but after 30 minutes or so, I'm shocked if it doesn't :) I'm pretty sure neither of us would complain to our hostess about it...

And, I guess our taxes (or his momma) bought that diamond...

And leftover chips? Really? Ew. Gross. I'm scrunching my nose up at the screen.

Trice said...

I think I would have the country bumpkin about herself. Plan and simple! I absolutely hate it when the hot water goes out...Cold showers are never fun not even in the summer.

Pancakes sound so good right now.