Sunday, March 2, 2008

A few things I have learned about myself...

1. I really like the group Led Zepplin...who knew lol?
2. I have some OCD tendencies such as if I am talking to you and I ask a question or make some sort of remark leading to understanding...I need an answer or else I feel like I am being ignored. My hubby is learning :)
3. I wish I was all Martha Stewarty but I am not. I accept that and do the best I can.
4. I am easily swayed and easily guilted. These two traits are ones I need to work on.
5. Hence #4 I tend to keep things I am doing or going through to myself especially from those close to me because one little remark or comment and I am leaning that way whether I want to or not.
6. We did a financial needs analysis and learned that we really don't have that much debt. Some debt but not a ton. Could be worse.
7. I have lots of uncharted interests. I am trying to explore those interest. For starters my mother in law is going to teach me to sew. Like using a sewing machine sewing. I am pretty pumped about it.
8. I am a procrastinator. I don't want to be a procrastinator.
9. I boredom eat. That's not a good thing to do for me.
10. I really enjoy looking at other people's houses. Not just decorating skills, but the design of the house as well.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.

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