Monday, May 12, 2008

10 on Tuesday except for it's Monday

1. T-Minus 5 days until the new car joins the McClanahan family.
2. I got the cutest video of Macy Saturday. We had my family over for a Mother's Day cookout. We were playing out front with bubbles and I recorded it all. It's got some funny parts. I'll post it later this week.
3. A special little boy is turning 1 this week :) I bet his momma would like to slow down time :)
4. Babies are all around. Congratulations to Lauren and Kevin. A little one is on the way for them to love :) They will be awesome parents.
5. Wes is still working 12 hour shifts but at least he's back on days.
6. I'm sooo ready for Disney World. It's about 6 weeks away.
7. We have some awesome new neighbors. They are from Trinity. They laid sod in their sides and back yards Saturday and they had like 2 and a half pallets left. So they gave it to us for FREE!! It was enough to do a decent portion of our side yard and probably saved us about $200 when we order the rest this week. Now I need to do something nice for them to say thank you.
8. I scored some deals at Old Navy. Got me some summer clothes :)
9. Wes has decided to take up golf. I'm getting him some brand new golf clubs for our anniversary. His old set needs to be replaced.
10. 4 classes to go with grad school! Woot Woot! Taking two this June and two this fall. I'll be super glad to be finished!

Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Sniff, sniff. Is it really tomorrow? Sigh.

Yay for Lauren and Kevin! And yay for free sod! And awesome neighbors!!