Thursday, May 22, 2008


My cousin did this on MySpace so I'm bored and looking to kill some time before taking Savanna to the vet.

A is for age:

B is for beer of choice:
I don't drink beer so I'll put my hubby's choice...Bud Light

C is for what you can't wait for right now?
our Disney trip

D is for your dog's name?
we don't have a dog

E is for how you like your eggs:
scrambled or in an omelet

F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
One Tree Hill

G is for favorite game:
Auburn Football

H is for Hometown:

I is for instruments you play:
I don't currently play any, used to be able to play the flute...don't know if I still can lol

J is for favorite juice:
Pineapple Orange

K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:

L is for last food you ate:

M is for marriage:
I became Mrs. Wesley McClanahan on July 1,2006

N is for your name:

O is for overnight hospital stays:
one so far...for my female surgery in 2005

P for people you cant live with out:
Family & friends

Q is for quote:
Perservere... even the snails made it to the ark.

R is for biggest Regret:
I can honestly say I don't have any regrets...everything has a reason and I have learned lesson's from every venture in my life

S is for status?

T is for time you woke up today:
6:oo am

U is for underwear you have on now?
pink and white stripe

V is for vegetable you love?
raw carrots with ranch dressing :)

W is for worst habits you have?
Procrastination hands down!

X is for x-rays you've had:
teeth, arm, and belly

Y is for yummy food you ate today?:
so far only applejacks...but we are having spaghetti tonight for dinner :)

Z is for your favorite animal at the zoo?

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