Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ramble, Jamble, my mind is Scrambled!

I've got so many things on my mind!
1. I am trying to find a part time job because I am not using my time wisely at home. I do better with structure and a schedule. I don't want to go back to the classroom because since we are trying to have our first baby, and I want to stay at home with it the first year, I don't want to get into the groove of a classroom again. Besides I want to still be able to pursue other interests and before when I was teaching I didn't feel like I could do that. So I have been perusing administrative jobs, and pre-school jobs. I think that I could enjoy either.
2. Realizing you are losing friendships are hard. Realizing that you have grown apart is hard. I've had to realize that recently, and even though I don't feel very settled about it, I don't really know what to do.
3. I've really been on edge lately. I usually have so much patience but let me tell you I have been tested a lot recently.
4. I am really bothered about my brother in law's choice to go back to his ex. Why? I haven't a clue. I mean he is almost 21 years old, he's old enough to choose for himself. It's just that I don't trust this girl at all. And I can't handle fake people. And I feel like she's a phony. The thought of her being at the holiday stuff is really bugging me. But what can I do about it? Nothing. He's a big boy and can make decisions for himself. I think he is making a poor one, but my opinion doesn't matter when it comes right down to it.
5. I have a list of to-do's around my house that is over a mile long. Do I have the desire to get them done? Yes! Do I have the motivation? Sometimes. So I just need to kick start my hiney into gear to accomplish this. I'm really overwhelmed!

I love my life, and I am blessed. But I'm not going to lie. Sometimes I wish I was a kid again. NO responsibilities...just fun! But then again...I am blessed and thankful.

Hope everyone has a great week! Maybe it'll go by fast. It's fixing to be October...craziness....things just speed by now :)

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