Friday, January 2, 2009

Please keep my family in your prayers

One of my uncles on my mom's side passed away this morning. I don't know any details yet as it is 8:45 am and my mom only called a few minutes ago, but it has been a crazy week here. He was really sick though so I am glad he isn't suffering anymore.

I'll be back next week with my New Years post and some pics from Christmas. My transfer cord for my camera decided to go on the fritz the day after Christmas so Wes ordered me some contraption that reads my memory card onto the computer and it isn't here yet so hopefully by the beginning of the week.


Monica said...

I'll be thinking about you & your family.

As far as the card reader goes, I have one too as a backup to my camera cord. They really are handy contraptions!

Lauren said...

sorry to hear that! your family is in our prayers.

Colleen said...

Thinking of you guys...