Sunday, April 22, 2007

Ever changing style

Ok...I have been married almost a year and I have to say it. I am ready for new decoration in my home....isn't that ridiculous? I think it might be the fact that I am getting this new house and I want a different feel to it. I really just think that I should have thought more about what kind of stuff I was picking out before we got married. I think at the time I just thought well it's going to be an apartment and it's not like I can really decorate an apartment...I just didn't get excited about it...but see now I am excited and I look all the time at all this new stuff :)
Let me get your opinion. Right now I have a red, black, and creme kitchen with chef accents. Red is the predominant color. I need to stick with the red because I have a lot of cute pieces and some I haven't even used yet. But do you think I could mix green and blue with it to make it more fun? Honest opinions please. Don't worry the chef's would not be included. I am thinking like changing out some of my hand towels, and getting some pics for the kitchen...that is the extent because that won't break the bank on that project.
Also we have jewel colors in our master. It is two diff shades of gold, a ruby, and a jade green. Our bedspread is a solid gold with those color accent pillows. What color scheme would you paint the walls?
There are other things too, but I won't ask you too many questions at once :) Did any of you go through this kind of thing? I mean I can't change out my decor every year...that's not practical is it? Thanks for all your help and advice and letting me go on about this :)


Anonymous said...

I have to say I didn't go through it, I'm lucky enough that I've liked the same stuff since college, so half of the stuff in my house is stuff I've had for years... :) However...

What about a nice rich plum for you bedroom? Kind of go with the jewel tones without isolating one of the colors too much.

Maybe find a swatch or pillow or something that you like and pull the colors off of that... Like this...;pv0fc554fb11be8acd

or this

or this

Can you tell I like this shower curtain? I have the first one I think, more of the plum color than the red. It's gorgeous.

Hope that helps...

Oh, and same thing in the kitchen. Find a piece of art that you like and build off of that. I imagine that's what you did when you chose the chef's...

Anonymous said...

Growing old is not upsetting; being perceived as old is. 6v9p9h0b4l5g4z6t 7l0m1f9s7c3o3s5r 9f2g1f1f1l8g8e0s 1c8e9o2l0v0g3p5q 1s3h0l7t5s4r4n7o 6b2h2b4r3x2t4o1t 4r1m9l0a2b6x0r0t 4h4t8p8u8h0m4o7g 3d3m4b8c4h7v1g7z 0j4o3j6b4d0h7j1u 7q9c0l0w3k3z7t2h