Thursday, April 12, 2007

The House

Ok yesterday we went out and signed the contract...and I got a few pics of the house.

This is the front of the house. The board on the porch that's holding up the ledge will be replaced by a white pole. Also it will have shutters and the front door will be painted the color the shutters are.

This is the texture of the the ceiling throughout. My favorite is smooth ceilings, but this is okay to.

This is the entryway.

This is my bad picture taking of the living room. It's hard to get the whole thing in when you don't have anything in their to focus to make sure the picture is getting the whole room. The second picture shows the trey ceilings. Those are in the master bedroom as well.

This is one half of the kitchen...I am standing in the eat in part of the kitchen to take the picture. I don't know if you can see but to the left of the picture is a door...that is the pantry.
This is all I have for now...electricity isn't on yet and it was starting to get dusk so the others I have are kinda dim and you can't really see much. I'll post others later. The house is supposed to be done the last part of this month or the first part of May. We have a tentative closing date of May 30th. I am now looking for decorating ideas. Anyone know of any good inspiration websites? Also Roz I really liked your idea of the big calendar that you put in K.J's man room....what kind of supplies would I need to get for one of those? I'd like to put it in our office. Happy Thursday all!!


Roz said...

Oh Candi, your house is beautiful! I love the treyed (sp?) ceilings, the ceiling texture, and the color of your kitchen cabinets! Whhhooo-hooo gotta love a new home that you'll be in before summer officially kicks off.

The Calendar got an ABSOLUTE VETO from KJ so the materials are still in the garage. I'm going to try and take them out to my classroom at church. We'll see how that goes.

The Pottery Barn one is a magnetized and I think Dry Erase one... Mine was just going to be dry erased and here's the bootleg way I was going to go about it.
Lowes has board that's used in bathrooms like Wayne's Coating (know that's spelled wrong), go to that section and you'll find a huge sheet of what looks like plain dry erase board. It's $12. You can cut it down if you'd like by just scoring it a million times with a utility blade (which gives a smoother edge than a saw. The rest I was going to do with a permanent marker (for lines and days of the year) and use the computer to print out the months and numbers to attach with little velcro dots you get at Walmart in the craft section. Here... this is the longest comment ever, so I'll just email my brainchild to you. ;-)

Trice said...

Congrats on your new house.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I second Roz. It's gorgeous!! How much did you love standing in there saying this is MY house!! Such a good feeling. I love the ceilings, too, especially how high they are. Gives it such an airy feeling. Congratulations!!