Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Home Sick

Well last night I was running a fever...and at my school child or teacher has to be free and clear of said fever for 24 hours before returning. Hence I am at home with a horrible head cold and as for now the fever has reduced. So sick day equals plenty of computer time and television...oh and napping!
My hubby was so sweet about it too...he was like you sure you don't want me to stay home from work? I was like yes, it's totally sweet of you to want to take care of me, but I'll be fine. I am one of those kinds that just wants to lay around and really be left with this cold nothing sounded more heveanly to me than having the place to myself :)
At least yesterday we got the flooring picked out for our was easier than I thought it would be. So now we just need to do lighting and appliances and then we'll be through till closing. Yeah!
Oh and a side note...the below post about dixie or yankee on the link i forgot to put the l at the end of that would be why the link didn't work in case anyone tried it.
Last night Wes fixed hamburgers and pasta salad for us. I love it when he cooks the hamburgers because he lets it maranade in Dale's sauce and minces up onion and stirs it in there...soooo good. I made a strawberry cheesecake...which he loved...and I haven't tried yet because I didn't want any last night.
Ok so I know this is totally a rambling post...I'm bored :) So I have been thinking...
If you had a million dollars and could do anything with it what 10 things would you do? Be creative...I know people would give to charity and all that, but after you did the good with it, what would you do with it for yourself?
I would...
1.'s my passion anyway...I would go to Italy first. I could do the 1000 places to see before I died thing :)
2. Open my tea party business.
3. I would totally design a house with all the bells and whistles. I have been addicted to HGTV and those other channels that have flip this house type shows...I would go all out.
4. I would buy all new furniture for that bells and whistles house :)
5. I would buy myself a new which one I don't know...but I would buy one. 6. I would buy Wes his own garage to where he could do all his bodyshop work to his hearts content. He loves fixing up cars and doing the hotrod thing.
7. I would totally update my home library....I'd buy any book I want to.
8. Lifetime mani's and pedi's
9. I'd hire my own personal masseuse
10. I'd also have a maid, cook, and personal trainer :)
Ok so mine aren't that creative but these are things that I know I'd do. :) So tag your it :)
Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better today!