Monday, April 9, 2007

My Easter bunny cake

This is the pan I used. I was originally going to take two round cakes and cut one up for the ears but then Susan said she had this pan so I used it instead.

Here is Wes icing it for me.

And Finally.........

The Cake!!!
We used writing icing to do the decorations and next time I won't do that was a lot harder than it looks and it kind of gives the cake a childlike look to it. It tasted pretty good though. I guess it's not bad for a first timer who has never taken a cake decorating class in her life. Maybe I should take the class? :) Happy Monday!


Roz said...

The cake looks great! I think you and Wes did a fantastic job, especially for the first go around.

Hope the rest of your Easter was wonderful!

Anonymous said...

AND I bet it tasted FABULOUS. As cute as it is, that is after all the important part :) If you ever feel like taking the class though, it's worth it, you learn a lot and it's easy. There's three parts but the first and second ones are the cool ones, the third one is fondant and really, you have to beat me to make me use fondant, it's pretty but so freaking hard to use.

Hope you had a great Easter, ours was pretty typical, Ham lunch, laying around the house, that's pretty much all I do these days :)