Tuesday, March 11, 2008

10 on Tuesday

1. I am going shopping today!! Yeah!! Some new clothes here I come!
2. I am getting my hair cut soon. Like short. It just isn't working being long.
3. It's about to be flip flop season again. Love that time of year because I love flip flops and pretty toenails.
4. We got my swing put up yesterday. Whoo hoo...it's only been sitting in our garage for the last seven months. Now I just need to paint the frame white.
5. I'm trying to find a fun day trip for me and Wes for Saturday. It's our last weekend of being able to do anything for about a month and a half. The outage starts Sunday and I won't be seeing a lot of him.
6. I am trying to pick out flowers for our flower beds. I'm not really that great at that. I love flowers but I just have a black thumb. Hmm...
7. I really would like to thank the inventor of chewing gum. Especially sugarless chewing gum. It sometimes saves my insanity.
8. I'm so looking forward to my new car.
9. They are clearing off the land to the right of our house to start building houses there. I'm worried about it stirring up some unwanted creatures. Namely snakes. Just gives me the heebie jeebies thinking about it.
10. I'm so glad the weather is supposed to be in the 60's this week. Now I just hope that it stays there and we don't have another huge drop in temps. But this is Alabama so you never know!
Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm off to make the department stores some money :)


Colleen said...

Have fun this weekend, we go to Chattanooga a lot and go to the aquarium, or you could go to one of the parks around here but I think it's supposed to rain Friday so they might be muddy.

And summer plants are kind of tricky, the only things I've REALLY been able to grow well are verbena (pretty flowers, low to the ground), these other flowers, man I can't think of what they're called. They have a ton of flowers and they're teeny tiny in little clusters. They're gorgeous and get really big. And Gerber Daisies. If you aren't sure, check out lowe's and home depot and look in the sunny annuals or perenials section. Get plants that have been out in the sun too (like the ones in front of the garden section) because if they were grown in the sun they'll be more sun tolerant and most of the other stuff will wilt under the heat of the summer. That's my only tips. :) Fertilize once a month and water in the morning or evening so the sun doesn't scorch the leaves :)

Colleen said...

Lantana, that's what it's called :) It's pretty, it gets really tall though, and the butterflies and hummingbirds love it :)

Roz said...

Ohh, can't wait to see the hair cut. Love a new spring do.
You all could go to bham and go to the Vulcan (I think there's a good restaurant in/near the statue), or go to a little museum or something. Sigh, there's always something to do in the ham... can you tell I miss it??

Anywho, go with Colleen on the plant suggestions. Her mom has grown the Amazon at their house and Colleen has a baby tropical land in her own backyard. My plants are all silk and I'm trying to convince KJ to get rid of our little "flower bed" in front of the house and make it a rock garden.