Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10 on Tuesday

LOL I believe I should do Monica's Pay Per Post...I might actually make something at it :)

1. Last night me and Wes took a walk after dinner. It felt like a good old fall evening. We have both decided to exercise more because over the first year and almost half of this marriage we have put on a few pounds. You know how you can go back and look at pics of yourself before and then now and sometimes it's like WHOA! That's us. So we are upping our healthy kick to prepare for the future of trying to have a baby :)
2. I have made out a list of books I am going to read. I love reading and haven't really did too much of it lately. However when I begin to pull out my old Mary Higgin's Clark books (which I love but have read upteen times) I know it's time to head to the library and broaden my horizons.
3. I have been making menus and sticking to them lately. I'm pretty proud of myself for that. I am seriously considering doing a food blog because of all the new recipes I have been trying.
4. I dyed my hair black. Yeah my natural color is pretty close to black but my hair is straight black now. I like it :)
5. I am thinking of hosting a Christmas Cookie Swap this year. I have been reading up on these and it sounds like a fun way to get together with friends.
6. I found out this weekend that yet another of my old sorority sisters is preggers....i believe that makes like 14 people I know who are expecting little bundles of joy.
7. Christmas season is coming. Wes asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year and he told me that he wanted to buy something for me not the house. Is it bad that I can't think of anything that I want for myself? I am sure I could if I got out there and really thought about it. Hmmm...guess I'll have to start shopping around :)
8. Countdown to new car is officially on. I'm super excited!
9. I want a really good homemade hot cocoa recipe...the kind that you can make in a crockpot. I am all about hot cocoa and even though the instant stuff works I want to make it homemade. Any suggestions?
10. Wes and I decided that when he finishes his 18 month half of the apprenticeship at the Ferry and I graduate from grad school...January and May of 2009 respectively...we are going to take a week long vacation to Walt Disney World. Wes has never ever been. He wants to experience it without children one time before we take our future kids when they are ready. I'm perfectly fine with that because I heart Disney :)
Happy Tuesday all!


Colleen said...

Black, huh? Can't wait to see it... We need pictures!

Roz said...

Black hair, how very wintery wonderful it sounds. I love a good winter do.

I asked KJ for a juicer for C-mas and he looked at me like I was nuts. I'm so serious, I want the one that the 101 year old man endorses.

Yumm, hot coco. Brandi gave me the best kind last year (Land o Lakes, different flavors), so ever since I've been adding cinnamon or mint to my instant kinds. Try this site cooks.com because they generally have a recipe for everything.