Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Why I H-A-T-E Wal-Mart!

I am reminded today of why I H-A-T-E Walmart! Now I don't use the term hate too much because I know it is a strong word...but I have to say hate it here! We are having a 60th surprise b'day party for my dad on Saturday and since it is a surprise I have to get the stuff for it and store it at my house. Well after looking at my list I groaned inwardly and admitted to myself that Walmart would be the better place to go to expand my money. So off to the Madison Walmart I go.
1. The greeter was too busy talking to her buddy (whom evidently works there as well thanks to the blue shirt and tan pants) to say hello or help me untangle a basket.
2. They never have everything you need. One week they have it and you think I'll come back and get it and voila next week they don't. Or they move it around so you have to scour out the entire store to find it.
3. A great invention that became a lifesaver for me at Walmart was the self checkout lane. Those cashiering days in college helped me out here. However today for some reason the self checkout lane was being a poopy head. After attempting 3 times to do my groceries, with each time telling me I wasn't bagging (I was), I gave up and put my groceries back in the cart and went on search of a real person to check me out.
4. Why does Walmart have like 40 lanes but there is only 3 open? Why? Think of what they could have done with that space! Okay they really have 5 open but of course two of those are express 20 items or less which is a catergory I did not fall into.
5. Let me tell you I had the most *friendliest* cashier ever. You could tell she loved her job! (Notice my dripping sarcasm) She didn't greet me at all. (I got my little revenge on that though. On the debit card scanners it asks if they greet you or not and I put a big fat NO.) Then she was taking her sweet time while her line just got bigger and bigger. She threw my groceries around. She put bread in with raw meat (Yuck!) I rebagged it right there. Then she put my 2 liter drinks on top of the cookies, smashing them. ( I didn't discover this until I got home :( ) I had two seperate orders and she didn't have a post thing to seperate them and I told her twice but she still rang it up together and had to call a supervisor to come fix it. She acted like I was being difficult but I was trying to keep my personal stuff seperate from the party stuff because I was using the money mom gave me for the party for the party, not my personal use. Besides I only had 4 items that were hard is it to remember that especially when I put them way away from the other order? She gave me back my change by shoving it and the receipt at me causing me to drop the coin change part down the side of her little register set up thing. And of course no thank you. I thanked her though because it's a natural habit of mine.
Now I know what it is like to be a cashier. I worked at Sam's through college. I know you get some dill hole customers. I don't think I was being a dill hole. If this was the first time something like this had happened at Walmart I wouldn't think much of it. But overall the quality of Walmart has gone to pots. They may be somewhat cheaper but I believe I would rather pay for groceries at Publix or Target. Not as much stress. Okay end of rant :) Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Roz said...

Okay, I'm so with you on this! CAN NOT STAND Walmart. Really. And unfortunately, where I live it's the only store of it's kind (I've got to drive 45 min to go to Target), and it's the hang out spot for everyone. Old people, kids who should be in school, mean house wives who don't make their kids go to school... etc. It's never a fun adventure. Oh and one more thing if one more kid comes up to me with grimy hands, a runny nose and a melted chocolate kiss asking me for a dollar to support the school they are not attending, I'm going to scream. Go wash a car or something, I'm all for supporting the youth, but our little town is endorsing laziness as there are tables of these kids our there at every given time. Okay, end of angry rant comment. ;) Happy Thursday girl!