Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ten on Tuesday

1. I hate being sick! I thought I had the beginnings of a cold starting last Thursday...I don't go to a doc for a cold because of over the counter meds...well the full blown cold never happened. It has all stayed in my chest...so now I am thinking it is bronchitis and today I am feeling so horrible I skipped my classes! Of course I let my professors know but now I am trying to talk myself into going to the doc...I just hate doing that. But bronchitis just doesn't go away if indeed that is what I have...so I guess I'll be going :(

2. We had my dad's 60th surprise b'day Saturday evening. He was definitely surprised. I am glad we were able to pull it off!

3. My friend Lauren Parker is joining the ranks of marriage this Saturday. I am serving so that's another reason I need to get better. But here is my personal congrats to my good buddy :)

4. Why is it that mother in laws can never remember what you tell them and they ask you 100 times repeatedly the same ol stuff? We have Lauren's wedding on Saturday in Russellville. MIL has been bugging us about coming to visit. We tell her we will be coming over there AFTER Lauren's wedding. FIL's birthday is next week and my bro in law will be home from Auburn this weekend so MIL is having b'day dinner for him. Fine...no problem...we tell MIL that we aren't sure what time we will be there but we will be there as soon as the wedding is over. Now Russellville is about 40 minutes from Greenhill, and the wedding starts at 2, and I am serving in the reception, so I don't figure we'll be free till 5pm or maybe later. But she has asked Wes like 20 times what time we'll be there and if we can make it by 4...it's like she doesn't even listen!!! Okay maybe I am just grumpy cause I am sick :( But still come on!!

5. I officially do not have a green thumb! I killed two of my mums I bought :(

6. Auburn is ranked in the AP polls this week! #22 baby! War Eagle!

7. I am desperately in need of some motivation! I have zip!

8. I have decided I hate talking on the phone. I just do...

9. I need some happy pills...after rereading this I realize how negative and grumpy I sound. So #10 will be something positive :)

10. A really cute picture of my lovely 2 year old niece and her Nana :)

(Colleen I am still working on the watermark thing. Wes is having to give me a tutorial because I am sooo not computer literate. I understood your directions I am just having to play around with it. So hence no watermark yet. I just couldn't resist posting this pic. Hopefully soon my pics will be watermark protected. Thanks for the help :) )
Happy Tuesday all!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I hope you get to feeling better!
I have a black thumb when it comes to mums, I just can't manage to keep them alive! I don't know what the problem is, I give them water and encouraging words, but alas, they just die on me. I gave up this year, didn't even attempt to buy them, bought other stuff instead!