Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I just realized how much we spend on groceries!

I bought this hand pantry organizer thing that attatches to my pantry door and voila instant space and organization. However I really realized how much groceries we buy for just two people, how much we waste (I had to throw away a lot of expired stuff), and just how much money that is. Part of my problem was due to the vastness of my pantry shelf, items were getting lost in there, and thus forgotten.
So I told Wes that I will not go to the grocery store again, with the exception of needing milk and bread, until our pantry is almost bare. So I am going to have to get completely creative to use up the stuff.
My new grocery strategies:
1. DO NOT GO TO THE STORE WHEN HUNGRY!!! sorry for the caps but I feel like that one is mucho important.
2. Make a menu before going, put on the list the items I need, and stick to my list. Lists are going to become my new best friend.
3. If there is something non perishable on sale then I might stock up on it if I believe I will use it...if not then avoid it all together.

The McClanahan's are also cutting down on their sugar intake. Also we are cutting down/or out in my case on cokes. Back in 2005 when I did weight watchers I completely gave up cokes...until I got married. I only drink one a couple days a week and I never allow myself more than one a day. I'm now going to give them up. I send one to work with Wes everyday but as far as I know he pretty much only drinks that one. Except maybe right now because he is on nights and wants the caffeine. But ovrerall he does pretty good. To deter myself from wanting one I am going to buy Dr. Pepper and Sundrop...two cokes I don't like and refuse to drink. He however loves them. So that solves our problem. And this will help on the groceries too. Cokes are expensive. Target however always has the 4 for $11 sale. Publix does too. So that's when I buy them.

I was made aware of our spending after I was going through my checkbook register yesterday and checking off the transactions that had cleared the bank. I realized we spent a lot of unnecessary money. I realized that I didn't want to spend this money on food. I would much rather spend it on fun stuff :) Who wouldn't? So yeah we shall no longer be a slave to grocery stores and food :) Wish us luck on this!


KlancyA said...

Good luck with the new shopping goals!! Michael and I had to do the same thing not to long ago and still stick by it. Sometimes I have to drag Michael along to do the shopping cause he's the one who always ask me "do we really need that Klancy?" Sometimes it is hard, but it's well worth it! I live and die by the list, so the list making isn't that hard for me, its just the not picking up that junk food. I also have a hard time determining how long the food will last. Like if I go with the intentions of buying a weeks worth of food (we don't have a pantry) I always end up with more than a week.

Also another thing we do is always buy the off brands. Of course everyone has those things that they refuse to buy in anything but their name brand, but if you buy most of your stuff in the store brand you can save tons. I love Brunos and Food World down here cause they are always running sales.

Lauren said...

We discovered this a while back as well. We now make a grocery list as we run out of things and then when we go to the store, we only buy what is on the list. Sometimes, there will be a good deal on something (like
peanut butter or something like that). ALso, we only go to the grocery store once a month unless there is something random that we need. We go ahead and buy all our meats and everything and then I bag them individually and then I take them out as we need them. We now spend about 1/3 of what we used to on groceries. We also "Cook the pantry" about once every 6 months and in that month, we spend maybe $50 on groceries (mostly chicken to go with my inventive dishes). Good luck, you will be AMAZED at the reduction in your grocery costs.

Trice said...


I make grocery lists also but when I go to target, publix, walmart or anywhere for that matter that has a good sale I end up buying whats on my list and then some. I even clip coupons for stuff I do use and don't use. I have been told to make menus ahead of time before I go shopping and I am going to try that. Between the 3 of us it makes no sense how much I spend at the store, excluding formula, diapers, and etc..