Tuesday, May 27, 2008

10 on Tuesday

1. I did something off of my "things to do in my lifetime list" on Friday. I rode in a hot air balloon. Okay so it was tethered and we only went up about 20 feet but hey it counts :) I have some pics but I have to play around with the lighting on them a little bit before posting. Wes (who didn't go up) forgot to set the lense to night so they are a little dark. But photoshop should work on them.
2. I have found a new gummy candy that I love love love. Sour Gummy Life Savers. I pretty much love all sour candy, so I am happy to find another to add to the list.
3. Starting this upcoming Sunday we are working Vacation Bible School at our church. Me and Wes will be working with preschoolers. Should be fun :)
4. Got a high school graduation on Friday night this weekend. And a wedding at the Huntsville Botanical gardens on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to the wedding. I bet it's going to be gorgeous. And I got a new dress for it so I am pumped :)
5. I am cleaning house today. It is gloomy outside, rainy and thundery, so I figured this would be a good activity to do today.
6. Finally watched American Gangster on Sunday night. I thought it was a good movie but man was it long. Also I was really amazed about the content of the movie. I was impressed with Russell Crowe's acting in it.
7. We also rented Untraceable and I think we are going to watch that tonight.
8. I am getting my haircut this week.
9. Gas has skyrocketed lately. It has me planning better my trips into town. Sunday we paid $3.89/gallon!
10. My cousin Will's girlfriend had their baby Friday morning. They had to do an emergency c-section on her because the baby was laying breech in the birth canal. But he's fine, weighed 7lbs 12ozs and had a headful of curly black hair. His name is Landon Bryant. I will get to see him Friday night.
Happy Tuesday all!


Colleen said...

Breech in the birth canal sounds not fun at all! Glad everyone's ok...

Mandy said...

Hey Candi!
I admire you for doing the Vacation Bible School. Especially with the preschoolers! I have one and though adorable, I'm going crazy with her demanding ways!

Thanks for voting!

I'll have to try the sour Gummy Life Savers! I love sour stuff too! Sour patch kids are my fav!

Lauren said...

You are surprisingly quiet, no new posts lately...Are you keeping secrets over there? Come out, come out, where ever you are!