Monday, August 25, 2008

I have officially handed it all over to God!

I am tired of wondering about a lot of things and so I am just handing it over to God and trusting that things will work out like HE means them to be. I have accepted that it may or may not be what I want, and that he knows exactly what he is doing. I am going to go about my life, try to relax more, and appreciate more. I am going to quit being so selfish and try to become the person that some people already think I am. God has blessed my life so much in these last few years and I feel that I am unworthy of it, yet I am eternally grateful for EVERYTHING he has given me.

A few things going on in my life right now:
1. Most of ya'll know we are trying for baby #1...we are beginning our 4th cycle today.
2. We are fighting with Bank of America over this ID theft that I have had happen to me. They are trying to say my statute of limitations has run out, so we are dealing with a lawyer out of Birmingham. This has caused a large amount of stress in my life because this is messing with my credit and also talking about a large sum of money.

I hope everyone has a great week. I'm just hoping that this week is better, after the last few weeks we have had.


Monica said...

Try not to stress so much about being on your fourth cycle. I know at this point, there is no way you could even make-up what being 23 months into this journey could feel like.
It's an emotional roller coaster, one is which in the beginning we are so quick to jump on not knowing just how long the ride might last.
I pray for you just like I pray for everyone that dreams of having a baby.

Lauren said...

I second what Monica says. For most people it takes a little while, unless you are fertile Myrtle like Colleen and Roz, you are at the beginning of this roller coaster, enjoy the "activities" now and don't stress, hopefully it won't take too much longer.
I, too, know what you are going through and pray that you are granted that sweet baby soon!