Monday, August 18, 2008

My 10 on Almost Tuesday

It'll be Tuesday in about 17 minutes so close enough!

1. Dave Ramsey was totally great the first night! I will do a post on it eventually, but I am getting sleepy so it'll have to wait.
2. I am so sick of some of the jerks that Wes works with. I'm usually pretty easy going, but these guys are just plain jerks. And totally unprofessional. I'll be glad when Feb rolls around and he is out in the plant and not in the training center with these (insert any four letter word you want).
3. I love my parents I really do. They do a lot for me and usually support anything I do. But it seems lately they are so set in their ways and so I am having to somewhat censor some things I tell them.
4. I am counting down the days till September 1st. That Monday night at 8pm I'll be glued to the t.v. for my one guilty pleasure show's season premier. One Tree Hill....I can't wait to see who Lucas hopes are on Brooke.
5. It seems like late at night my cats go ballistic. They become totally playful at that time and unfortunately that results in them being LOUD.
6. I have a cute little picture project I am working on for our bedroom. Once I get it done I'll post a picture.
7. I've been craving lasagna lately. I'm heading to the grocery store in the morning so I believe that will be on the menu this week.
8. The crafting bug has consumed me lately. Lots of projects going on. They will be displayed on here eventually :)
9. In September we are heading to two football Auburn and one Tennessee. The Tennessee game is for Wes. I figured he has been excellent with me about the Auburn games so I want to give him something back.
10. November 15th I am throwing my cousin Ashley a lingerie shower. I am calling it a Naughty and Nice shower and using black (naughty) and pink (nice) for the color scheme. We are going to play all the fun, crazy games and have a good ol time :) I'm also thinking of hiring this lady out of B'ham to come teach belly dancing. I think that would be so neat!

It is officially one minute till midnight....oops the clock turned over :) So officially Happy Tuesday all!

1 comment:

Roz said...

LOL! I thought I was the only one who is engulfed with One Tree Hill!! I can't believe you're hoping for Brooke. I'm really banking on it being Peyton. Come on, their love story is classic. Plus, if it's Brooke, that's going to completely kill the Brooke/Peyton vibe for the uptenth million time. :-)
sigh. Love me some One Tree Hill.