Thursday, January 17, 2008

I dirty deleted!

Okay if any of you actually had time to read the post in between this one and the snow one then just disregard my pitiful feeling sorry for myself post...and for the rest I dirty deleted it because it was useless :)
I think I am going to do Lauren's questionnaire.
  1. What is your occupation? well for right now I am a stay at home wife....but my occupation is teaching
  2. What color are your socks right now? black
  3. What are you listening to right now? a clock ticking and my nails clicking on the keyboard
  4. What was the last thing you ate? a chicken salad sandwich last night for dinner
  5. Can you drive a stick shift? No but I want to learn
  6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pink
  7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? my dad
  8. How old are you today? 27
  9. Favorite drink? sweet tea or lemonade
  10. What is your favorite sport to watch? High School or College football
  11. Have you ever dyed your hair? yeah a few times since I was about 15
  12. Favorite reality TV show? LA that a reality show? I also like the Biggest Loser
  13. What was the last movie you watched? In the Theatre: Charlie Wilson' home Death Sentence (that is really good by the way)
  14. Favorite day of the year? Christmas
  15. What do you do to vent anger? cry and babble then I go for a walk by myself
  16. What was your favorite toy as a child? Um let me think...I had a pretty cool Strawberry Shortcake kitchen
  17. What is your favorite, fall or spring? I like them b0th but I'll have to say fall for the simple reason of football
  18. Hugs or kisses? They are both be honest I'm not a real touchy feely person
  19. Cherries or blueberries? blueberries
  20. Do you want your friends to post this on their blog? Sure, Why not?
  21. Favorite dessert? anything lemon
  22. Who is least likely to respond? Dunno.
  23. Living arrangement? me, Wes, and our kitty Savannah
  24. When was the last time you cried? today
  25. What is on the floor of your closet? shoes shoes shoes and more shoes...and they aren't all mine lol!
  26. Who is the friend you have had the longest that is a blogger? Lauren
  27. What did you do last night? watched the Dallas tryouts of American Idol
  28. Favorite smells? that clean shower scent and things baking
  29. What inspires you? lots of things....God, my family, my friends, total strangers
  30. What are you afraid of? again lots of things...more than I can count
  31. Plain, cheese, or spicy burgers? Cheese
  32. Favorite breed of dog? I don't really have a favorite...I think boxers are cute though :)
  33. How many years at your current job? 6 months lol
  34. Favorite day of the week? Saturday
  35. How many states have you lived in? Just 1-Alabama
  36. Celebrity crush? Josh Hartnett...I've had a thing for him ever since the movie Pearl Harbor
  37. Ever driven a motorcycle or heavy machinery? When I worked at Sam's during college I drove a fork lift from the front of the store to the back one day....that was cool! I have also driven a four wheeler
  38. Who is your favorite NFL team? Don't have one...I don't watch the NFL
  39. Do you have a house phone that is not cordless? yes it's for if the batteries ever die on the cordless
  40. 10 inches of snow or 100 degree weather? 100 degree weather....I like snow for like a day then I want it gone....I get cabin fever
Happy Thursday everyone!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Hi Candi!
Thanks for stopping by my Blog page! I was just reading yours this morning.
I remember you from Laurens lingerie (spelling...why don't they have spell check on comments???is it right? oh well.)shower. You were married on July 1st and I was married on July 3rd 05. (VERY VERY HOT!)
I have a boxer by the way. He is cute!
Anyway, thanks again, come back soon and I'll be visiting you also!