Friday, January 11, 2008

What's Happening?

I have been on Disney overload lately. I am trying to plan our vacation for the first week in July. There is so much out there. Now I have been to Disney like 6 times but Wes has never ever been and I really want him to enjoy himself. It is our two year anniversary trip and the kickoff to us TTC. So yeah I have visited through every Disney website (ok so not every but a lot) and read through two guides thus far. So far we have decided 3 things: 1. We are going June 28- July 3 (Yes the hottest and one of the most crowded times ever but hey we can't change our anniversary and that is the only non training week Wes has during the summer.) 2. We are flying out of Birmingham because it is like almost a 200 dollar airfare difference from Huntsville, and it will still be cheaper to just pay to park our car at the airport. 3. We are staying at the Port Orleans which is a Disney resort. Prices on this trip haven't been as bad as I thought. But it is Disney and this is the one time we will go sans children. We have both agreed that we will take our children one day but not until they are old enough to enjoy it.
In other news I am feeling a bit healthier lately. Not so sluggish as I have been feeling. I am having success so far with Target's prenatal vitamins. I might jump up to the prescription ones when I actually become pregnant though. I also have only been drinking water lately. Occasionally I add the crystal light packets that flavors water just to give it a bit of kick though. I have been having to go to the bathroom a lot more but I figure the water is good for me and hopefully starting to cleanse me out :) Also we are eating healthier and I am only preparing enough for us to have a healthy portion at dinner and then I cook a little extra for Wes' lunch the following day. That saves me as well from having to buy so many frozen dinners to send him. I enjoy eating a sandwich or lean cuisine or smart ones for lunch. I haven't got a clue what I weigh( I don't own a scale) but I probably should buy one so I can see. However it isn't necessarily about the numbers to me. I can tell in other ways. Like I said before I just want to be healthy. Oh and I have started my pilates back up and I have gotten the process started to join TVA's gym (it's free!). They have to run security clearance on me first. But when I get that I am going to go hop on that treadmill and zone out to my Ipod.
No plans this weekend which is nice. I am making turkey wraps with a side salad for dinner tonight. I think I am also going to rent a movie to watch tonight. I still haven't seen "We are Marshall" so maybe that or another good one out there. I hope to clean out some closets this weekend. I don't know if I'll actually succeed at that though lol. I hate doing it but it needs to be done. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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