Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's that time of the week again! 10 on Tuesday

1. Had a fabulous three day weekend.
2. Saw the movie Juno yesterday. It was cute.
3. Scored some home decoration deals this weekend. I got a really pretty beveled(sp?), huge mirror and a new front door mat at Kirklands for under $40. Hoping to get the mirror up tonight. Also we got a new storage cabinet for our garage from Lowes for $65 and the thing is ginormous!
4. I also got my swing frame. We are going to paint it white and Wes has to cut the ends off of it because it is made to stick in the ground and I am sitting it on my front porch so the ends need to be even.
5. The following three links in order are: 1) and 2) inspiration pics for my bed in our master and 3) the comforter I am strongly thinking about getting for the master




6. I wish I knew how to make those links that all they say is look here, and the link is on the here part. It would be much more efficient.
7. I am throwing my cousin a pink and black lingerie shower next November. Why am I posting this in January? Because I am hunting down the cute Valentines decor now. I heart the Dollar Tree for this kind of stuff no kidding. They actually have some really cute holiday decor.
8. Colleen I looked through the Mother of All pregnancy books this weekend. I am looking forward to reading it.
9. Another baby book question. Baby Bargains? Any raves or rants? Worth it to buy?
10. That linen closet I have been wanting to organize for the past couple of weeks? It will get organized this week!

Happy Tuesday all!


Colleen said...

Hey girlie, here's how you do the link like you want.

text you want to be a link

so if you wanted to link to Yahoo with the link being "Yahoo" you would do this:


Hope that helps!

Colleen said...

ok, well, that obviously didn't work :) I'll send it to you in an email...