Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Oh Baby Baby Baby

So yeah it's official. This is the year that I hope to become pregnant. We have agreed on a July start date. So I have round about 6 months to get mentally prepared for this. Is it okay that I am excited but scared out of my wits? I hope so.
So my first thing I want to do is lose about 15 pounds. Now here is my thing. It's not really what I eat per se...I don't exercise and I have a very slow metabolism. So goal number one? Exercise! Here is my plan. I am joining a gym that is located very close to our house. I am stocking my Ipod with motivational workout songs...any suggestions? I love to walk and run on treadmills so that is one of the things I am going to be doing. 3-4 things a week.
For the toning/strengthening part of my exercise plan I am going to be picking up my pilates. I did pilates a lot back in the college days and it was extremely relaxing and I was a lot more flexible when I was doing it so I figured why not?
Next up on my list of to do's is start a prenatal vitamin. Dr. Spangler said he could prescribe a prescription one for me but I think I am going to try an over the counter one first. Susan told me that the Target brand ones were good for her when she was pregnant with Macy.
The third thing I am going to do is educate myself on anything and everything baby. So I am asking you who have babies, are pregnant, or are trying to recommend books, websites, whatever to me to help me out. I know very little about birthing babies :)
Mainly I want to be healthy and have a healthy pregnancy.


Monica said...

I get 90 tablets of a Rx Prenatal Vitamin from Walgreens for $5.99, just FYI. I know OTC is just as good, but I feel better taking an Rx one.

Shame on you, Candi, for your comment on Colleen's blog. I am trying & wanting to get pregnant, so HOPEFULLY, you won't be by your lonesome. Klancy's on board to try to, so someones got to get knocked up this year.

Monica said...

Let me know if you want to & I can send you an invite to Fertility Friend. Colleen first told me about it & I've learned alot from joining the site. I've made a lot of great friends too.

Colleen said...

Yay for Baby 08!

Here's my tips. I posted them on your other post but I'll post them here, too.

First, the prenatal vitamin that Dr. Spangler gives you is great. Just if you decide to take the prescription one. Play around with the generics if you want, some of them caused some real problems for me. Either way, take it with food or the iron will kill your stomach.

The two books I liked the best were the Mother of All Pregnancy Books and A Child is Born. The Mother of All Pregnancy Books is a great reference book, tells you what you can take medicine wise while you're pregnant and other things. Getting sick while you're pregnant really sucks because you can't take the good stuff. What to Expect While You're Expecting is a question and answer book, which I didn't like, because if your question wasn't asked you were kind of screwed. The Mother of All... covers just about everything.

The weight thing's the big thing that bothered me; once you're pregnant Dr. Spangler gives you a pamphlet that has "DO NOT DIET" in big letters at the top. You just can't diet at all once you're pregnant. I wish I would have lost about 20 more pounds before we had gotten pregnant.

Fertility friend is great if you're going to try and track when you're most likely to get pregnant, what I did is looked at a chart where the girl was most fertile from day 11 to day 13 or so and we just tried to "try" a lot around that time. I was never a big fan of the temperature thing just because you have to do it every day and I suck at doing things every day. is my lifeline though. Join if you can (now if you're interested, you don't have to already be pregnant), I think you'll really like it. There's tons of boards out there, from trying to conceive to parenting. I joined the "Due in May 2007" board when I was like 15 weeks and some of those girls are my best friends now. It was an awesome resource and kept me from running to the doctor every time I felt a little whacky. We still talk every day, I'm trying to work out a way I can meet some of them in real life eventually. It's just a great website. And they'll send you newsletters every week of your pregnancy about what's going on with you and the baby.

OK, sorry for the novel. First Time Parents is a good book too. Our pediatrician is very not super informative, like he told us to start solids at 6 months and that was it. No how much, or what to start with or whatever. That book helps a lot with those kind of things. Shows you how to change a diaper and stuff :)

Good luck...

Monica said...

I enjoy Fertility Friend because it helps me keep up with everything. I do the temp thing 95% of the time, mainly to confirm that I have ovulated & then I try to stop temping.
Once I came off the pill my cycles fluctuated from 21-26 days. Just depends. That puts my fertile period anywhere from day 10-13. The misconception is that day 14 is the magic day!! Not for everyone.
I can talk all day about how to try & get knocked up and then there's Colleen who teaches me all about what's to come.

Lauren said...

We are in the "trying" boat too. Lets all think positive...hehe, won't it be cool that we will all be preggo together?