Thursday, January 31, 2008

Some Happy Thoughts for a Thursday

About two weeks ago I was feeling pretty low. I guess you could call it the January blues. Thankfully I am not currently feeling blue. So I thought I'd post some things that make me happy!
1. My cat Savannah will lie on my feet while I am at the computer. It really helps on days like today since I am barefooted and it's a wee bit chilly.
2. My husband works really hard and he hardly ever gets to buy him something material for it. So after a few months of salivating over big tv's we finally get to go pick up the big boy tonight. It makes me smile to see his eyes light up lol :)
3. My dad told me last night that he has joined a gym. That made me happy. He is 60 years old, diabetic, and had open heart surgery two years ago on Feb. 22. Since that surgery he has really tried to make life changes. He still smokes but has drastically cut down on it, a big improvement since he has smoked for 40 years, and he watches what he eats a whole lot better than he used to. He has been going to the mall to do his walking but when his doctor told him about the gym inside Rehab Access and the fact that it had a pool (I believe that was the clincher for him) my dad said where do I sign up?
4. Our preacher at church has been doing a series on the family. I am really enjoying it. This Sunday he is discussing the role of the husband. I am looking forward to it.
5. Seeing a new post on my friends blogs can sometimes make my day :)
Hope everyone has a great Thursday!

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